At Fledglink, we are grateful for the support and collaboration of the following organizations and individuals. Together, we are soaring to new heights, empowering young birders, and fostering a love for nature!
The ABA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides leadership to birders by increasing their knowledge, skills, and enjoyment of birding. We also contribute to bird and bird habitat conservation through our varied programs. The ABA represents the North American birding community and supports birders through publications, conferences, workshops, tours, partnerships, and networks. Its education programs promote birding skills, ornithological knowledge, and the development of a conservation ethic. The ABA encourages birders to apply their skills to help conserve birds and their habitats, and we represent the interests of birders in planning and legislative arenas.

The American Littoral Society promotes the study and conservation of marine life and habitat, protects the coast from harm, and empowers others to do the same. Since 1961 we have empowered people to care for the coast through advocacy, conservation, and education. We not only provide a voice for the coast, but also give concerned citizens the knowledge and tools they need to raise their voices with us. When we restore habitat, our objective is not only to restore a dune or rebuild an oyster reef, but also to motivate people to invest “sweat equity” into a piece of the coast, take ownership and become committed stewards. When we educate, we don’t merely provide books, CDs, or handouts.

Playa Lakes Joint Venture (PLJV) is a non-profit organization dedicated to conserving the playas, prairies and landscapes of the western Great Plains to benefit birds, other wildlife, and people. We are one of 25 migratory bird joint ventures that work to build a healthy world for birds, other wildlife, and people. If you look at the link above, you’ll see they cover the entire United States as well as parts of Canada and Mexico. Most of those joint ventures, like PLJV, are habitat-based and address the bird habitat conservation issues found within their own geographic area, while a few have an international scope and are focused on a specific species.

Our mission at Bird Conservancy of the Rockies is the conservation of birds and their habitats through an integrated approach of science, education and land stewardship. We envision a future where birds are forever abundant, contributing to healthy landscapes and inspiring human curiosity and love of nature. Our work radiates from the Rockies to the Great Plains, Mexico and beyond. Our efforts are advanced by sound science, achieved through empowering people, realized through stewardship and sustained through partnerships. Together, we are improving native bird populations, the land and the lives of people.

The Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA) was founded in 1974 and is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the State of New York. For nearly 50 years, HMANA has been the international leader and model of conservation excellence that creates a better world for raptors and people. With our partners, volunteers, and supporters, we work on the ground throughout the Americas advancing conservation through the study, enjoyment and appreciation of raptors and their migration. HMANA oversees the collection of spring and fall count data from approximately two hundred affiliated raptor monitoring sites
throughout North, Central and South America and houses these data on HawkCount.org, the largest migration monitoring community science database in the world.

Become a Partner
If you are interested in becoming a partner and joining us on our journey to connect and empower young birders, please reach out to fledglinkteam@gmail.com.